Be God's light, like a Candle on a Candlestick
Jesus said Christians “are the light of the world.” He said be “like a candle on a candlestick that gives light unto all.” Be “like a city set on a hill that cannot be hid.” He commands us to “go into all the world and proclaim the good news to everyone.” The beautiful Prayer Stand banner is viewable from every direction. It can be raised above 10 feet high so you can shine the glorious light of Christ to those in darkness. Like a candle on a candlestick.
Prayer is Key to Effective Ministry
It's not about us, it's about Jesus the light of the world. Effective ministry begins with prayer, is sustained by prayer and concludes with seeking God in prayer. People are not offended by prayer, they are blessed that you care. Humbly go into your community to lift up Christ and shine His light. Speak God's truth in love. Pray with hurting people. God gives life changing grace. . . when Christ is lifted up and people seek Him.

Literature Carousel
Gospel literature should be neat and attractive. We found that even a light wind will blow gospel tracts off an outdoor display table, so we engineered a special literature Carousel system. The wind can't blow your literature around and your tracts will not get bent or mixed up. When you finish your outreach easily transform the carousel into waterproof literature storage boxes. It only takes seconds. Go into your community. Share great tracts, scripture booklets and small bibles. And until a hungry soul receives them... always keep them in perfect shape.

Compact! Quick! Easy! Everything stores neatly
in rugged bag 48 inches long by 6 inches high
Most people don't have extra space in their cars for bulky tables and big boxes of Christian literature. Outreach equipment that wastes space gets stored in out of the way places and is seldom available when you have time and opportunity to use it.
Our goal was to design something that was highly visible and stored in one small space. Something that was delightful to haul around and use over and over again. Something that was quick and easy to set up. Something people would respond well to. Something we loved using. Something that would last. We can't thank God enough for all the ways He helped this project come together. There is no question God helped us meet our objectives. The Prayer Stand is a marvelous evangelism tool that we love using and others love it too. People respond very well to this kind of outreach and best of all God is using it and gets the glory!
With a Prayer Stand in the trunk of your car you have everything you need to share the Gospel. Neat, orderly and available wherever you go! You CAN redeem the precious minutes God gives you. Shine the light of Jesus Christ in this dark world. Dad, when your family goes in to shop... take your Prayer Stand out and go fishing for men.

Rain? Carousel Displays transform for waterproof storage
Tracts and small bibles stay in great shape because they never leave the display until selected by hungry souls. Literature storage and display is in waterproof boxes originally designed to protect valuable gear by scuba divers. Close the Carousel display boxes and they are waterproof to fifteen feet. Rain is no issue. Praise God!

Wind? Included Tether fastens to car mirror, tree or other stationary object to make windproof
Not only are your tracts protected from wind damage, the tether insures your Prayer Stand can withstand those gusts of wind that often accompany outdoor activity. You can be confident it won't blow over when you are involved in some serious ministry or praying with a hungry soul.

Durable storage bag can be worn as a backpack so you can carry it hands free.
You'll love the convenience of carrying it as a backpack and we even include a luggage tag in case you want to take it with you on a plane. Our needy world needs people sharing the gospel in every public place. Take your Prayer Stand with you. Everywhere. It's designed for it.